Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 18th, 2014 - 12 weeks old, 30 lbs and doggy bonding

Today's Date - June 16th, 2014
Had a Kodak Moment and didn't have my camera with me.  While supervising Rosie and Emmett's play time out in the backyard my furry children made me smile in a really big way.

Rosie was laying on the back driveway under the shade from the Sycamore just peacefully enjoying the afternoon when Emmett layed about 2 feet from her.  Together they layed there a good while, while I observed with grateful astonishment. 
Also, earlier in the day, while in the bathroom, Emmett came in and layed down at my feet followed by Rosie who also found space to lay at my feet.  Emmett sat up and very gently rested his paw on Rosie's back.  She looked at me, wagged her tail and I smiled letting her see my approval. It's just one of those special moments that I will always remember fondly of Rosie.
Rosie was a feral puppy that adopted us.  Because she was feral, she takes her food very seriously.  She loves people but saying she doesn't play well with others (dogs, puppies, cats or kittens) would be an understatement.  She looks like a Mini Pin / Shepherd mix and definitely has a terrier attitude. 
The picture below was one of the first ones taken after she decided to stay with us.

She's smart, funny, lovable and an incredible watch dog but only with humans.  She loves both my husband and I but let there be no doubt that she absolutely adores her daddy and is definitely a daddy's girl.
We lived behind dog gates and played auto dog rotation from room to room for many years.  It was a way of life that we became accustomed to and at least in our case, was able to make it work.  We had 4 dogs and it was a bit of work but let there be no doubt that Rosie in her mind and theirs was #1 dog in command.
The picture below is of our four practicing their wrestling moves in a photo that I had taken and entitled, "Tag Team".

We could go months with no problem then for what ever reason something as simple as one of the other dogs looking at her daddy would be enough to set her off and never in my life have I witnessed any other dog as fierce as she is. 

As a feral dog, she fought to survive and let's just say for conversation that she made Old Yeller look like a sissy.

The picture below was our first hint about her devotion and love for her daddy.

Like I said, we could go months with no problems.


Life was good, perhaps a little tense at times but we took all the needed precautions and knew exactly what would push Rosie's buttons.

As the dogs aged and crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Rosie became an only child.  Rosie was absolutely devastated when we had to put Emma down.  I called them, "The Twins" because they were always together.  Let there be no doubt about their devotion to one another.

Talk about trust!
We actually took Rosie with us when we put Emma down so she would know and understand that Emma was not coming back with us.
They did everything together after their adjustment time getting to know one another.  In the beginning Rosie flat out, absolutely hated Emma who was only 10 weeks old when I rescued her.  To make a very long and somewhat complex story short, we had several attitude adjustments and she finally accepted Emma. 

Emma could do anything she wanted to Rosie and until the day she passed away, they were truly the best of friends.

Rosie mourned Emma for almost a month and hid under the bed.  She wouldn't eat, drink or even bark when our neighbor rang the doorbell.   I have never seen any dog more heartbroken than Rosie had been over her beloved Emma.

They were very protective of one another and were definitely a team.  Mark and I had discussed getting a puppy but we were very concerned about Rosie's reaction. 

Talk about a couple of people brainstorming and coming up with a battle plan.  In the end all our planning paid off. 

Emmett has been part of our family going on 6 weeks and it's amazing to watch the interaction between the two.  Rosie has taught Emmett some very much needed puppy lessons.  What's acceptable, what isn't and he walks a very respectable 2 - 3 feet behind her at all times.

Lessons learned now will forever be engrained in Emmett's brain which will be a huge blessing when he triples Rosie by weight and height if not more by the time he's full grown.  In the 6 weeks Emmett has been home he's gained 20 pounds and tripled in size and height.

Emmett will always respect Rosie and that is a good thing.  I love watching the two of them, side by side.  This morning both dogs were sleeping together under the kitchen table as I used my Laptop and Emmett woke up, stretched and placed his head on Rosie's hind quarters.  She instantly woke up, glanced backwards, saw it was him and both dogs went right back to sleep.

I just sat there, spellbound with my mouth wide open.  Of course the camera wasn't anywhere within grabbing distance but it will be something that I will always remember.




                               Today's Date - June 18th, 2014
Today, Emmett received his 2nd series of puppy shots and the Vet will x-ray his right front paw during out next visit.  It looks like he must of been stepped on by his mother when he was a very young puppy and the bones became set in a crooked way.  It doesn't appear to hurt him at all when he walks or runs.  The picture below was taken when he was 5 weeks old and the leg is noticeably swollen.  Even back then he got around with no problem.

The picture below was taken at the Vet's office before he got his first series of puppy shots and he was 3 days shy of being 8 weeks old.  His leg is more noticeable.
                     Today's Date - June 21st, 2014

Today, Emmett is officially 12 weeks old and weighs 30 pounds. Last night he jumped up onto the couch by himself, he loves to jump and climb on all the furniture.  He has his toys scattered about the house and plays with all of them.

I love watching Emmett's first reactions to different situations.  He is very alert and barks if he sees or hears something that he isn't familiar with.  Just last night he scratched at the backdoor to let me know he had to go potty.

While outside he was totally memorized by the Lightning Bugs, the expression on his face as he gazed at them was priceless.  Still haven't come across any sort of food item that he doesn't like.  All dogs are motivated by food and he is by far the biggest food hound I've ever come across.  There's going to be a crash course in not taking food off of the table, counters or folding tables that we use in the Den when we watch TV.

He is giving all the signs of being a "Counter Snatcher" or in English he will be able to reach all food on the counter tops, table and stove.  I will be working with him not to do so. 

He's starting to lose his baby teeth and my arms have healed nicely after being used as chew toy for several weeks.  He plays very rough but he also can be so gentle and for the record, he does not like getting a bath.  I have to admit I was nicely surprised when I saw how quickly he dried.

He now has enough confidence to explore the entire backyard.  Yesterday afternoon Rosie was laying in the shade against the house on the back patio and after sizing her up, he did exactly the same thing.  He watches Rosie and mimics everything she does.

When the two are outside together, Rosie will keep looking over her shoulder to see if he's keeping up with her.  He wants to play with her so badly and she is starting to show signs that it's only a matter of time before she does.

Little does she know that within a couple of weeks he will be as tall as her if not even taller.






Monday, June 16, 2014

June 14th - 11 weeks old 26 pounds

I've noticed that every day Emmett does something funny, silly or goofy that I would really cherish many years from now.  I try to capture his antics with my camcorder or camera to save as precious memories I know that someday they will become.

With that being said, I've decided to just add to my blog as they happen by date and than post them.  I create the headings, such as the ones below, sort of like chapters so I can find old posts as needed. 

  • June 14th - Emmett is 11 weeks old
  • June 11th, 2014 - 10 weeks old and 22 pounds
  • May 22nd, 2014 - Emmett's first Vet visit as Emmett Johnson
  • May 16th, 2014 - Saw some attitude and laughed
  • May 23rd, 2014 - for K9 Toys / Healthy Recipe to stuff the Kong
Today's date - June 12th
Last night I  took a wash cloth, got it wet, rung it out and placed it into the freezer to make a soothing chew for Emmett.  I rolled it up so it would be easier for him to hold between his paws when he chewed on it and was quite proud of myself for remembering an old puppy trick I learned many years ago.
When I woke up this morning I checked the wash cloth in the freezer and it was absolutely perfect for Emmett.  I had the camcorder ready to record this great new experience for him, tossed the wash cloth on the floor and hit record.

His reaction took me by surprise and I tried really hard not to laugh while I was filming him.

Later on in the day, I went to my favorite Thrift Store to see if I could find Emmett a larger Teddy Bear to play with and also recorded his introduction to it.  

Once again he had me laughing!  I really love this video because it shows him playing, being goofy and I was amazed to see how long his back legs were.

Apparently, he had another growth spurt last night and I slept right through it.
Tonight just before bed I took Rosie and Emmett outside for their last potty break. 

I thought I had seen it all when it came to puppies, then by chance I caught Emmett doing something that totally took me by surprise.  He'll be 11 weeks old this coming Saturday and I caught him lifting his leg to go potty.  I'm not sure whether to be proud of my little man or concerned.

Today's Date - June 13th, 2014
I love Friday the 13th and always have.  I know that must seem really odd to many but I was very fortunate to have been born on Friday the 13th and have always considered it my lucky day.
Emmett is extremely curious about everything and he really loves to explore the backyard.  He truly is hilarious to watch when he is in full puppy mode.  I guess I'll need to come up with some sort of toy box for all his toys which are scattered about the kitchen, den, hallway and bathroom.
He is so close to being able to jump up on the couch and bed by himself.  I gave him some mashed potatoes for the first time tonight and he absolutely loved them and the cooked broccoli stems mixed with them.  
I haven't found any sort of food that he doesn't like yet.  I no longer worry about him having a sensitive stomach.  
Today's Date June 14th, 2014
Emmett is officially 11 weeks old today and weighed in at 26 pounds.  This afternoon I was sitting out in the backyard reading a book while supervising play time between Rosie and Emmett when a neighbor's dog started to bark. 
As expected, Rosie charged the front gate barking,  Emmett had been asleep under my chair,  woke up from a nap, stood up, planted his paws, raised his tail and from within came a much deeper bark than what I had recorded the other day. 
I've always read and heard that Great Danes are incredible watch dogs but really, at 11 weeks old and he looked so serious!  I've tried researching it but haven't come across anything as of yet.  I guess I'll go to the Facebook Great Dane Lovers group and inquire.
20,000 Great Dane owners from around the world, I'm sure I'll get plenty of feedback and opinions.  The picture below was taken on June 16th and Emmett is only an inch or two away from being able to climb onto the bed.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11th, 2014 - 10 weeks old and 22 pounds

Emmett turned 10 weeks old on June 7th and weighed in at 22 pounds.  It's amazing to watch him grow practically over night.

When I think back to all the puppies I've loved and raised, not one had the unbounded energy that Emmett has.
Emmett makes the Energizer Bunny look poky to say the least.
It's been difficult trying to housebreak him being in a cast but that can't be helped and I will continue to do my best.  As I sit here and write with both Rosie and Emmett at my feet, we've had almost a week of rain and Emmett does not like the rain in the least bit.  Little does he know he's due for a bath sometime in the near future.
Today the sun came out of hiding for a few brief minutes and during that time I tried to keep both dogs outside for as much possible fresh air and individual playtime weather permitting.
Emmett loves being outside and is still in the process of exploring the backyard.  Earlier this afternoon he took off running as fast as his legs could carry him at top speed with Rosie racing behind him. 
I held my breath for a second before I realized that Rosie was wagging her tail in her first attempt to actually play with him.  It didn't last long but it will be something I will never forget.
Rosie has been a huge help in training her new little brother.  She accomplished more in one hour of crate training him than my past several attempts over many days.  Emmett had an absolute fit when I put him in his crate and closed the door.  I guess his high pitch whining and barking got on Rosie's very last nerve and let there be no doubt that she let him know just how unacceptable his behavior was.
Emmett has a very healthy respect of anything and everything having to do with Rosie.  She jumped him the other night for walking too close to her crate and the noise he made had me fearing the worse.
I panicked, screamed and Rosie stopped, looked up at me and then continued with her lesson before Mark rescued Emmett.  Emmett was covered with slobber and scared but there was no hard feelings and he now avoids her crate.
Rosie knows Emmett's just a puppy and the lessons she has taught him were canine lessons that he needed to know.  As Emmett grows, he will always have the upmost respect for Rosie even when he's 3 - 4 times her size.
If I had to describe Emmett in three words at 10 weeks of age they would be, goofy, loving and funny.  He sounds like a Clydesdale when he runs around the house after waking up from a nice long nap. 
He's absolutely hysterical to watch as he gallops about and seems just as surprised as I am when he stumbles over his own feet.

The other night there was something on the Hallmark Channel that I wanted to watch and sometimes it's just easier to hold Emmett than let him sharpen his puppy teeth on my arms and hands.
I'm almost to the point that I am no longer able pick Emmett up. 
I like to document a few firsts that happened last week.  I was sitting out in the backyard overseeing Emmett's time outside and Mark had just come home from work.  I saw that he was standing in the kitchen and Emmett heard a noise coming from inside and actually perked up his little floppy ears and barked.   
Not expecting him to alert at such a young age it made me smile.  I've read that Great Danes are excellent watch dogs and very protective of their owners which is one of the reasons all the books say they should be socialized from a very young age. 
Having the broken fibula and being in a cast not to mention he only started his puppy shots, neither of us are ready to venture out in the world for a Meet & Greet to work on his socialization.
I've been taking Emmett out to the mailbox on a leash to get him accustomed to being walked and he's doing really well considering his age and my limitations. 
Anyway, the other day my neighbor Faye from across the street strolled over and was commenting on how much Emmett had grown.  She had seen him the day after we first brought him home and was amazed at how much he had grown and was spellbound by how long his legs looked.
 The picture below was taken the first night Emmett was home on May 8th at 5.5 weeks old. 
Emmett had been a runt and was so much smaller than the other puppies.  They easily outweighed him by 4 - 5 pounds and by the time he finally got to the puppy chow it had all been eaten.  I would of preferred to bring him home at 8 weeks of age but brought him home early so I could make sure he was getting enough to eat.
Five weeks later we've gone from 6.5 pounds to 22.5 pounds and he's now twice as long as Mr.Bear who by the way, at least at this moment is actually still in one piece though his tail has been chewed on some.
When she bent down to pet him, he barked and growled at her.  So I can safely assume his TERRIBLE 2s have begun not to mention as I sat at the kitchen table to work on this blog he tore a nice size piece of wallpaper off the wall.
Let the fun begin, isn't puppyhood grand!
I noticed a week or so ago I started repeating certain words and phrases, over and over again,
"That's not yours"
"Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me"
"Let go"
"Drop It"
"Open your mouth"
"Ouch that hurts
"No, no, no"
"Come back here"
"Leave that alone"
"Leave Rosie alone"
I guess I forgot how exciting a new puppy can be!  Not to mention Emmett is one growth spurt away from being able to get up on the bed and couch.

I was starting to become concerned over his mouthing and sometime today someone from the "Great Danes Lovers" site on Facebook apparently had the same concern about her 12 week old puppy name Vadar. 
There are over 20,000 Great Dane owners from around the world on this site and I spent a couple of hours reading what others had posted about their own experiences when their dogs were puppies.
Now knowing that this is typical Great Dane puppy attitude, I'll just correct Emmett the same way as I have with all my other puppies.  I like to add that his puppy teeth sure seem to hurt a lot more than what I remember from other puppies that I've loved and raised.

May 28th, 2014 - Emmett is an Aries

I came across something a little different but fun just the same.

Emmett was born April 5th, 2014 and is an Aries.


The Aries dog is playful and jubilant.  He will growl and be angry for a second and then turn around and forget what ever made him mad.  He likes to run and play and will become really depressed if not given enough exercise.   Expect this dog to continue to be youthful even when he gets to be an old hound.   It would not be unusual for an Aries dog to have some kind of scar of his face. 

The Taurus dog can be extremely stubborn and set in his ways and this will increase over time so early training is very important.  Usually placid in nature, this dog can become quite angry if he feels his person is threatened.  The Taurus do must be watched because he will usually have a nose for chocolate which is very dangerous for dogs.  Loving and affectionate, Taurus dogs require a lot of reinforcement and attention to be happy.  You may have to make this dog exercise.                                         
Pub  like all their life the Gemini dog needs lots of stimulation and toys.  Look for a talkative dog and these dogs could even learn to imitate some of the sounds that you make.  The need to be the center of attention and yapping a lot is not unusual.  You may have to train this dog not to bark as Gemini dogs, like their human counter parts, need to communicate.  Verbal reinforcement works very well with this sign and you can get a lot of response by talking with this pet.   Moodiness could be a problem and attention to the moment for an extended period of time is a problem.  Training periods should be short and spread over time.
The Cancer dog will love you forever even if you do some really mean yelling.  This dog may pout for a while but it will forgive.  There is usually a love of water and swimming could be a favorite past time.  Cancer dogs very often love to howl (even at the moon) and you should consider paying close attention for depression in this pet.  Lack of attention can lead this dog to be a little destructive.  Over eating is not uncommon.
A proud Leo is a sight to behold.  The Leo dog is a great show dog even if he is a mutt.  He just has that feeling of majesty and royal demeanor.   He needs to be the center of attention and will require a lot of maintenance.   This is not a dog you ignore.  When left unattended for extended periods of time, the Leo dog can get quite depressed and will need some special gifts and attention to make up for your over sights.  Gifts and praise will get this pooch to do anything for you.
The Virgo dog is a born healer -- it will be naturally attentive to you when you don't feel well and will go out of its way to take care of you.  The Virgo pup will train early and will not like to live in an environment that is not clean.   You can give this dog weekly baths and it will be happy.  However, you might once in a while notice that it is looking at you in a disapproving way.  The Virgo dog expects you to be perfect in all ways and if your not it will definitely give you some disapproving looks.  A great dog to work as a therapy dog.
The Libra dog is happy when loved and showered with attention.   This dog does not like to be alone and it is strongly suggested if you must work allot that you get your Libra dog some kind of pet.  A need for grooming and attention is very strong in this sign.  The Libra dog can get confused at times and you should be very clear about what you expect or it will just sit and look at you with a weird expression.  The Libra dog will try to get along with others in its environment and usually will relate well to all other pets in the home.  Don't forget to say I love you at least once a day to your Libra dog and expect  lots of  kisses.
The Scorpio dog will die for you and be extremely protective and possessive.  Unless this dog is introduced into a home as a puppy where other pets exist, there may be some problems introducing other pets or even children into the home without some special training and explanation.  A highly intuitive canine, the Scorpio dog will sense something is wrong before it happens and may whine and try to warn you.  It will also know if you have been disloyal to it if you are a single person and you are dating a new significant other.  Powerfully psychic, the Scorpio dog is the one who would find its  way home if lost across country.
By golly, the Sagittarius dog is gonna be your buddy.   You can count on it.  This dog will cheer to go camping.  Dance to go running.  Pant to do tricks.  Just about the most special happy pup on the planet to ride in the car.  Are you ready to go, it is waiting.  Friendly and outgoing the Sagittarius Dog can look like a real elegant champion one moment and turn into a clown in the flick of an eyelash.  A companion in the strongest sense of the world.  If given the opportunity, loves to roam on its own.
Prissy as a youth but more carefree as it gets older, the Capricorn dog is a true family dog.  It enjoys the better things in life and will demand special
food and attention.  Look for this dog to seek out the best place in the house to sleep (even if it is your new expensive sofa) and expect it to demand attention from visitors when they arrive.  The Capricorn dog considers itself to be human and an equal in the household.  Look for a collar for this dog that is rich and elegant but made of natural fibers.  This dog is not one which will respond to anything cheap.

Independent and freedom loving, the Aquarian dog will love to roam and meet people.  Easily accepting of other pets in the household, the Aquarian Pooch can be a clown one moment and a disappearing magician the next moment.  This dog could be erratic in its behavior and will need some real training to overcome a true stubborn streak.  Friendly and loyal, this Aquarian dog will demand a certain amount of personal space and time to think (whatever it is dogs think about).  At times, you may just think your Aquarian is clueless and then it will do something amazing.                                           
The Pisces pup is a lover.  Friendly and loyal, it will look for ways to please you and to get your attention.  A dreamy look is often in the Pisces dog's eye and it may like to sleep a lot and appear to even talk in a dream state.   An intuitive animal, it will know that you are going away even before you tell your spouse that you have to take a
business trip.  Warmth and affection are the bread and butter of this pet and you can create a real special bond with the Pisces dog if you are willing to let it enter your magic world.  This dog could work as a wonderful familiar for those who like to work in the magic arts.  It will listen to you for hours and act like it knows what you are saying. . . It does.