Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20th, 2014 - Happy Easter one and all.  Lent is over and I am back on Facebook.  Next year I will give up something easy like chocolate instead.  Yesterday, I re-arranged the Den twice so I could find the best location for our 2nd crate.  It took awhile but in the end I was pleased with the outcome. 

It was important to me to be able to use the middle / side of the crate to change the comforters instead of doing so through an end where I would of had to get down on my knees and crawl halfway in.  I do have a much larger crate in the garage once Emmett out grows the two shown here.
I'm in the process of puppy proofing the house as well and sometime over the next couple of days will do inventory of what I have in bowls, leashes, brushes, comforters, shampoo and ear wash.
Technically, I'm in pretty good shape, the only item I will need for Emmett is a puppy collar.  I'm going to spray the yard for fleas and ticks, 7 days before we bring him home.  I'm not really sure if there is flea protection for such young puppy but I will find out.
Also for all the dog and cat lovers, I buy all my flea & heartworm protection from, they have incredible prices!  Just keep in mind it usually takes two weeks or so for delivery.
I was a little overwhelmed getting back on Facebook this morning and creating albums for Emmett in each one of my accounts.  I am happy to report that Emmett's breeder has befriended me and she posted the picture of her puppies below and I just Photoshopped the text in.

They sure have grown since I saw them for the first time this past Wednesday.  They turned 3 weeks old, yesterday 4/19/2014.  I also have had my proud mommy moment when I showed 3 of my neighbors the first pictures taken of Emmett.  I did over do it a little yesterday and needed to give my legs a time out, which isn't half as bad as it sounds.

I used that time to view Great Dane puppy videos on YouTube and ended up taking a quick nap.
Speaking of naps, it's late and I'm very tired.  Anyway, I hope everyone had a blessed Easter and enjoyed the holiday with their loved ones. 

Before I sign off and get ready for bed, I wanted to mention a post I received from one of my old neighbors whose young daughter Gabrielle started to cry when her mom told her about Emma.  The entire family are animal lovers and when they lived across the street they got to know my dogs and I got to know theirs.  Once Emmett has bonded with me, we definitely will pay the family a visit so they can actually meet him.

I'm sort of new to this blogging stuff and am opened to any and all suggestions.  Good night everyone and have a Happy Monday!


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