Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25th, 2014 - E-mail from our Veterinarian

I e-mailed our Vet some questions I had concerning Emmett's upcoming shots and wanted to share his reassuring response.

Hey Carolee,
It's wise to use the same vaccine through the whole series-6,9,12,16 weeks of age. He won't be fully immune until after he finishes the series so we recommend limiting his exposure until then. Of course he needs to be socialized starting soon after you get him, so it's always difficult to know what's best. So we wouldn't say go to a bunch of places where lots of dogs go until he's finished his shots, especially places like dog parks, and pet stores. The problem is that parvo is very long lived in the environment and you could even bring it home on your shoes or birds could track it into your yard if they walk through a yard that is contaminated with the virus. So about the best we can say is to use common sense and keep your fingers crossed. I don't know prices off the top of my head and am at home now, so might be best to just call the clinic. I think it would be wise to wait a few days to let him get settled in before we vaccinate him but check with the breeder to make sure it's ok . Some require an exam within so many hours. We can't wait to meet him! Alan Jones DVM

Sent from my iPhone

How nice of Dr. Jones to contact me himself instead of his staff. 

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