Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5th, 2014 - The puppies first visit to the Vet

Today, Mark and I drove to Veronica's house to help her take all the puppies to the Vet for their first check-up and physical exam.

Neither her car or our car was tall enough to carry a crate to transport all the puppies in so I threw some comforters in the back of our Station Wagon, then Mark and Veronica sat in the back seat to keep their eyes on the puppies.

This was the puppies very first experience outside from the house.  We brought them out 2 at a time with the mother dog, Sadie staring at us wondering what we were doing with her puppies.

Not that she was overly concerned at this point, she watched with caution and didn't seem upset about us handling them.  The puppies slept for the whole ride to the Vet and did very well for their first trip in a car.

The Vet was very nice and good with all the puppies.  The largest puppy weighed almost 11 pounds.

My Emmett weighed 5.3 pounds but will quickly catch up to the others in weight now that they're all eating real dog food.  The Vet, Veronica and I had an informative discussion about the different dog foods and the Vet said they should be fed Large Breed Puppy food.

Both Veronica and I were sort of surprised by that statement since everything we've read said that Great Danes are never to be given Puppy Food.  The Vet said that the Large Breed Puppy food has all the essential nourishment for them and recommended a few brands.  Tomorrow I will call Harvest Mill and inquire about their Large Breed Puppy food.

The last time I saw Emmett he was 4 weeks old and what a difference one week made. 

The puppies eyes are on the verge of changing color from blue to brown and all were very alert and playful before they collapsed as a group for a quick nap.  Once back in the car, all the puppies fell asleep except for this little guy who was very curious about what was going on.

The puppies all fell asleep in a nice furry pile on the way home and woke up after I parked and opened up the back door to start the puppy convoy to get them all back inside.
All in all, I had a wonderful afternoon and took a lot of pictures of the puppies for Veronica so she have some to cherish and treasure for many years to come. 



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