Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 8th, 2014 - WE HAVE A PUPPY!

Mark and I brought little Emmett home today.  We let him play outside in the backyard which was his first experience not only in fresh air but actually having his paws on the grass.  He absolutely loved it and sniffed around for awhile before we brought him in and I gave him his first bath.

Like all puppies before him, he did not care for his first experience with water very much and cried a little but tolerated the bath.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I fed him for the first time.  It was the first time for him to eat as much as he wanted without the competition of his 8 other male siblings.  No growling and he had no problem with me touching him or his food while he was eating.  I hand fed him a little piece of cheese and he was very gentle.  Not bad for a 6 week old puppy!

He had a long day and fell asleep instantly when I put him in the crate that I had prepared for him.  As I stood there amazed that he was actually here and asleep I decided to give him a stuffed Teddy Bear that I had just in case he got lonely and woke up later crying.

He really seems to love his Teddy and is always snuggling with it.


At 2 AM he stated crying and was quite determined to bite his way through the crate.  I was concerned because he was so small that his bottom jaw might get stuck and he end up hurting himself.  I also didn't want him waking up Mark who went to bed late himself and had to be up early to go to work.

I opened the crate and took him and Rosie outside then realized if he ran out in the yard I would never  find him without a flashlight and was relieved that he stayed really close and directly under my feet.

I decided to push the bed up against the wall and put Emmett on the wall side and he curled up next to me and slept all night without even a whimper.  

While I was making sure the crate was puppy proof I placed Emmett on my bed and he went right to sleep.
Before I forget, the introduction of Emmett to Rosie went even better than either I or Mark thought.  She did nip on him a little and was corrected instantly for doing so, she then accidently stepped on him and he cried.  It's sort of funny how things work out and in this case for the better.
Actually, Rosie has every right to nip at poor Emmett after he tried to nurse on her with those extra sharp puppy teeth of his.  Since that initial nip Emmett has not tried to nurse.
Rosie fled when he started crying and has every time since.  She still nips him to put him in his place and he keeps a nice respectable 2 - 3 feet behind her.  Something out front had caught Rosie's attention and she started barking at the gate which startled Emmett and now anytime Rosie barks he heads back inside on his own.  I was pleasantly surprised to see him actually make it up the back two steps to get into the house.
Rosie is actually doing really well with him and has no problem sharing the water bowl.  I was happily surprised when I saw the two sleeping together.
The first 24 hours went by quickly and Emmett went from being needy and missing his momma and litter to a 6 week old puppy, full of energy, curiosity and just so fascinated about life in general.
We're just starting to housebreak him and have learned it's a lot easier to wipe up little accidents on the kitchen floor verses the carpeting in the den.  I like to sit at the kitchen table to do just about everything so it seemed logical to turn the kitchen into an enormous puppy pen.
We've put up two doggy gates and made Emmett as comfortable as possible with food, water, toys and a couple of pee pads, which he uses faithfully when he first wakes up.  He also seems to really love the Teddy Bear I gave him and snuggles up to it when he naps.
The video below was taken after Emmett had just awakened after a nap.

I've noticed that Emmett likes to nap every place he has seen Rosie napping.  Rosie loves to sleep under the kitchen table and so does Emmett. 
Emmett is very playful and he truly has the sharpest puppy teeth that I have ever had the pleasure of being chewed on by. 


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