Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30th, 2014 - Microchips

Spent a couple of hours researching microchips.  The company I had been using for years now charges a yearly fee.  I've learned no matter which microchip I go with, I can register Emmett's information for one fee of $17.50 on-line or $19.95 by mail. 

They also don't charge to update contact information if a family and their pets move.  All dogs can be registered whether purebred or not.


Yesterday, I received the book that I had ordered from

I was pleasantly surprised at the large selection and prices.  I saw a few other books that I will be adding to my Wish List!
A friend of mine from Facebook shared the below video that she came across on YouTube.  I really enjoyed watching Honey the Great Dane growing up with her kitten sibling Lemon.  Honey was so gentle with Lemon even when both were very young.  Apparently there are many videos on YouTube of Honey and I enjoyed the one where she and her owner were dancing at some sort of canine event.

14 days until Emmett comes home!

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28th, 2014 - Puppy Pen / Crates

Woke up at 5 AM thinking about Emmett.  Veronica has been posting puppy pictures and they're all growing so fast.  She sure loves her furry, 4 legged babies and is a very good mom.

The first few weeks of their lives is crucial and these puppies are being handled with love and raised around children.  Veronica is truly giving them an incredible start on life which will reflect on their individual personalities as they grow and mature. 

As I was puppy proofing the house I kept thinking about a Puppy Pen. 

I like the fact that I can fold it up during the day and at night, I can set it up next to the bed, put a doggy bed in the middle of it so I can have Emmett close enough that I can hear any and every sound he makes.

The crates set up in the Den are too heavy and bulky to be moving about and I'm not going to leave Emmett alone in the Den at the other end of the house all night.  I love the idea of him sleeping in bed with me and I'm sure he will soon enough but for the first couple of weeks I would constantly worry about him falling or jumping off the bed and getting hurt. 

It's actually cheaper to buy a Puppy Pen on verses PetSmart, Pet Depot etc.

I found a Midwest Black E-Coat Exercise Pen, 24 Inches by 42 Inches $54.99


Midwest Black E-Coat Exercise Pen, 24 Inches by 36 Inches $48.82

They really are a handy thing to own and slide under a bed when not being used.  I had a nice pen years ago that I took with me to the Obedience Trials and I use to put a huge umbrella in the middle of it to keep Daisy and Yogi out of the sun.  I also used it after giving them baths to dry off in the sun, not to mention they're a lot more accessible when taking care of a sick or injured pet.  Yogi is the handsome guy on the left and Daisy, my dainty Artisan Basset on the right.

They also can be folded in half and used as a free standing divider not to mention if you travel they are just so much easier to deal with compared to the weight and bulkiness of a crate.

16 days until we bring Emmett home!

Oh I forgot, Veronica was telling me earlier that when she woke up this morning she discovered the puppies escaped from their puppy area and were all over the Living Room.  I wish I could of seen the surprise on her face.  Nine puppies, running nine different ways.  How funny!  I just want to know if my Emmett was the ring leader again.  Life is good!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27th, 2014 - The Gentle Leader

Many years ago I had a 135 pound male dog named Parker and also a 110 pound male dog named Gunther. 
For the most part they listened really well and I never had any problems walking them together unless they saw a squirrel.
I'm only 4'11 and I'm one of those people who will not drop a leash under any circumstances and due to that logic have had my share of bumps, bruises, cuts and abrasions.   After one very painful walk and being dragged through a hedge after a chipmunk off to PetSmart I went and bought two Gentle Leaders for my boys.
It took awhile to figure out how to put them on and in the end I was never dragged anywhere again by my two overly and easily excitable 4 legged, furry children.  Our walks got longer and it was very comforting to know that there was no way I ever be jerked off my feet again.  I still have their Gentle Leaders and over the years have used them when training other people's dogs.
While visiting with Emmett to get my weekly photos, I asked Veronica if she had every heard of or seen a Gentle Leader and explained why I liked them.  So I thought I look over the Internet to see if I could find any pictures of Great Danes wearing Gentle Leaders and I did.

In fact my Emmett will resemble the dog in the above photo when he's full grown.  During my search of photos I came across a post a woman had written about her Great Dane and her experience with her Gentle Leader.  She had written:
"Hi everybody I just want to share my experience with you. My blue (intact) male is 6 1/2 months and a little over 90lbs. He is very strong and used to pull and drag me while on leash all over the place and he was starting to almost embarrass me in stores and public and I could almost hear people whispering (why can't she control her dog??!!)( I'm a small girl weighing a 110+ and being 5'2", I would have to make sure I was wearing sneakers and plant both my feet on the ground trying to control him, at the end of our walks my hands would be raw and almost bleeding from pulling and fighting with him. Well I bought a halti/gentle leader head collar. Let me just say, Merlin is like a different dog. It requires almost NO FORCE on your end. Your dog can still bark, bite chew etc... it is not a muzzle. As soon as I put this collar on he knows I AM THE BOSS!  Needless to say choke collars and all the rest of them didn't work a bit. I can actually take him to PetSmart and Dog Shows now and he doesn't even try to pull now. I guess its like a horse bridal, the body will go wherever the head will go, makes good sense to me. Can u imagine a horse with a choke collar on? Little kids and other people can actually come up to Merlin and pet him without him jumping or getting to wild. I really stand behind this, and I thought it would help somebody else who was at their wits end and didn't know what to do with strong pulling don't have to yell or anything, people try it, you will notice a difference right away. Hope I have helped another Dane family out there

I already knew that I would use a Gentle Leader with Emmett once he reached a certain weight.

17 days and counting till Emmett comes home!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26th, 2014 - Emmett is 4 weeks old today!

Today my Emmett is 4 weeks old.  Mark and I stopped by to take some updated pictures so I'll have them for his Puppy Album.

I got to pet Emmett's mother and I basically got her seal of approval.  She was very good about me laying on the floor taking pictures of her babies.  Her name is Sadie and for this being her first litter she is a good mom.
I had Mark take a better picture with me and Emmett's father.  Before I forget, I've been spelling his name wrong it's not Draco, it's Dragi.  Great picture of Dragi, but not such a good picture of me.
Below is a photo of Sadie's and Dragi's puppies.

Emmett has grown some since I saw him last week.  At 4 weeks old, the only important thing to him, is his mommy.  Veronica (the owner) made me laugh when she told me that my little Emmett gets all the other puppies stirred up.  Good for Emmett his personality is already starting to show!

The picture below is my husband Mark and we all know who he's holding. 

I'm about as un-photogenic as a person can be but many years from now when I look back over Emmett's Puppy Book, I'm going to love these pictures.  I really like this one because it really shows how much he's grown and also the white on his chest.
When we went to see the puppies we had only planned on staying 30 minutes at the most.  During our visit my husband who's been playing guitar and giving lessons for 40 some years got to talking to Robert who he discovered also played guitar.   Off they wandered together and talked guitar, chords, 3rds,  5th's, minor's and all the other stuff my husband talks about that I just don't get. 

Our 30 minutes stretched to 90 minutes and we only left because Mark had a lesson to teach that afternoon.

I liked Veronica from the moment I met her, she is a true dog lover and as it turns out we actually have a lot in common.  I got to know her daughter Ashley better and Ashley's beautiful daughters who seem to be dog lovers themselves.  It's amazing to see such little girls not caring one bit about two big dogs who are 3 times their body weight.


I'm hoping Veronica and Robert will come for visits once we bring Emmett home on May 14th so they can see how's he's doing.  He's going to grow into an amazing,  spoiled and much loved member of our family. 

I need to make a note to myself to check out the Diamond Natural that Veronica has been feeding the puppies.  Earlier today, I had to go out to Harvest Mill for some bird food and learned that a 40 pound bag of Chicken Diamond Natural is $29.  It's a really good quality food and you can't beat the price.

18 days till Emmett comes home!


Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25th, 2014 - E-mail from our Veterinarian

I e-mailed our Vet some questions I had concerning Emmett's upcoming shots and wanted to share his reassuring response.

Hey Carolee,
It's wise to use the same vaccine through the whole series-6,9,12,16 weeks of age. He won't be fully immune until after he finishes the series so we recommend limiting his exposure until then. Of course he needs to be socialized starting soon after you get him, so it's always difficult to know what's best. So we wouldn't say go to a bunch of places where lots of dogs go until he's finished his shots, especially places like dog parks, and pet stores. The problem is that parvo is very long lived in the environment and you could even bring it home on your shoes or birds could track it into your yard if they walk through a yard that is contaminated with the virus. So about the best we can say is to use common sense and keep your fingers crossed. I don't know prices off the top of my head and am at home now, so might be best to just call the clinic. I think it would be wise to wait a few days to let him get settled in before we vaccinate him but check with the breeder to make sure it's ok . Some require an exam within so many hours. We can't wait to meet him! Alan Jones DVM

Sent from my iPhone

How nice of Dr. Jones to contact me himself instead of his staff. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23rd,

After meeting Emmett for the first time, I did what any proud mother would do and entered his picture in a contest.  Below is the picture and what I wrote about it.

Thor's Thundering Emmett (Great Dane)

Lady holding puppy.

Your Pet's Age
3 weeks old

Your Pet's Breed
Great Dane

Do you have anything else to share about your pet?
Today, I met my Great Dane puppy for the first time. He's 3 weeks old and I will visit him weekly so I can take pictures of him. The first time I held him, he started sucking on my bottom lip and I about melted all over the floor.

I take the pictures so I'll have them ready when I start Emmett's puppy album. On the first day of every month, I will take his picture, weigh him and document everything he's experienced in a journal. It's a wonderful keepsake that will be filled with precious memories. I've been known to tape a couple of baby teeth within the pages. As the years pass, the journal will be priceless and greatly treasured.

By CaroleeRose

April 23, 2014 - Info on puppy shots

Today, I called our Vet out in Hazel Green to find out roughly what  it's going to cost to get Emmett his puppy shots.  It's a  bit of a drive, almost 23 miles one way but well worth it. 

We go to:                                 Animal Hospital Of North Alabama
                                                  14323 Hwy 231- 431 North
                                                  Hazel Green, Alabama

Dr. Jones and Dr. Hayes are incredible as are their staff.

His puppy shots will be given at 3 weeks intervals.
$55.00 for the 1st visit
$30 for the 2nd visit
$35 for the 3rd visit
and when he's 6 months old $100 - $120 to be neutered depending on his weight.

I won't take Emmett to PetSmart to get his first puppy collar nor will he go for walks until he has had his shots.  I'll estimate the size for his first collar and gently start getting him leash trained out in the backyard.

Some puppies do really well for their first time on a leash and I've seen others roll on their back, terrified.  I have a good feeling about Emmett and his first time on a leash will be lots of fun not to mention the tasty treats I will reward / bribe him with.

Tomorrow morning we will be visiting Emmett and I will be taking 2 hand towels that I will hold him in to take his scent home to Rosie and naturally take photos.

22 days until we bring Emmett home.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22nd, 2014 - Doggy Inventory

Yesterday, I went about doing my Doggy Inventory before Emmett's arrival and I was amazed at all the dog related items I have collected over the years. I still have Parker's crate from when he was a baby and that was back in 1999.

I kept every metal feeding and water bowl going back to the days of my Basset Hounds, Daisy & Yogi.  I apparently also kept every dog's collar I ever owned and it was time to throw them away. They made an impressive pile of assorted red, blue, black, purple and green.

I took my time going through the house and garage, enjoying the memories each item brought.  I decided to take pictures along the way so I could savor my little walk down Memory Lane.
From the garage I came across 2 free standing area dividers, 2 doggy gates, Parker's old bed and largest crate with a baby mattress trimmed down to fit. 

I love the wall mounted gate, it came in really handy a few times and I wish we had bought one years ago.  If needed I could block my dogs out of the Living Room and answer the door without being ran over by a crazed mob. The UPS Driver no longer tries to sneak up to the porch without being seen.
Four large dogs sound very impressive when anyone rings the doorbell!  RIP my beloved Parker, Emma and Ginger.

Leashes, training collars, gentle leaders, grooming combs and nail trimmers, muzzle for emergencies and slip on leads for bathing. All these items were purchased over many years.  When Parker started to get Hip Dysplasia I took him to see my Chiropractor after he closed his office for the day.  He requested I buy a muzzle because it would be the first time Parker would be adjusted and it was better to be safe than sorry.  Once Parker realized it didn't hurt and made him feel better we never used the muzzle again.

It took me awhile to remember how to put the Gentle leader on and I had one for Parker, another for Gunther and one for Rosie.  The one for Rosie also fit Emma if needed, but once trained, I never needed to use a leash on Emma again.

I use everything in the above picture for Rosie and it's very conveniently located near the front door. 

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to train a neighbor's Siberian Husky / Wolf mix.  The circumstances weren't the best and I did so only to help the dog.  I made the little leash above to use to give corrections when I started training Hutch to be off lead.
I wrote an article about my experiences training Hutch and submitted it on-line and won $25. 

Over the years I've bought numerous dog books at Used Books Stores, Thrift Stores and on  A couple of my favorites are of Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul.

The little rubber brush in the front on the right is incredible and by far my favorite bathing item.

Starting left to right, the really large bowls were for inside and outside water bowls.  The next were Parker's and Ginger's food bowls.  The bowls after that were Rosie's and Emma's with the tiniest bowls belong to my Basset Hounds, Daisy and Yogi.

Seeing the bowls in this order gives a real good visual to just how different the sizes are.
Doing the Doggy Inventory took a lot longer than I thought but it had to be done.  I'm actually in pretty darn good shape and eventually I'll order my puppy pen off of, before I forget I did get a free download on my Kindle Fire about the care of Great Danes.
I guess my next order of business will be calling my Veterinarian to see how much puppy shots cost now-a days and the cost of getting Emmett micro chipped and neutered. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20th, 2014 - Happy Easter one and all.  Lent is over and I am back on Facebook.  Next year I will give up something easy like chocolate instead.  Yesterday, I re-arranged the Den twice so I could find the best location for our 2nd crate.  It took awhile but in the end I was pleased with the outcome. 

It was important to me to be able to use the middle / side of the crate to change the comforters instead of doing so through an end where I would of had to get down on my knees and crawl halfway in.  I do have a much larger crate in the garage once Emmett out grows the two shown here.
I'm in the process of puppy proofing the house as well and sometime over the next couple of days will do inventory of what I have in bowls, leashes, brushes, comforters, shampoo and ear wash.
Technically, I'm in pretty good shape, the only item I will need for Emmett is a puppy collar.  I'm going to spray the yard for fleas and ticks, 7 days before we bring him home.  I'm not really sure if there is flea protection for such young puppy but I will find out.
Also for all the dog and cat lovers, I buy all my flea & heartworm protection from, they have incredible prices!  Just keep in mind it usually takes two weeks or so for delivery.
I was a little overwhelmed getting back on Facebook this morning and creating albums for Emmett in each one of my accounts.  I am happy to report that Emmett's breeder has befriended me and she posted the picture of her puppies below and I just Photoshopped the text in.

They sure have grown since I saw them for the first time this past Wednesday.  They turned 3 weeks old, yesterday 4/19/2014.  I also have had my proud mommy moment when I showed 3 of my neighbors the first pictures taken of Emmett.  I did over do it a little yesterday and needed to give my legs a time out, which isn't half as bad as it sounds.

I used that time to view Great Dane puppy videos on YouTube and ended up taking a quick nap.
Speaking of naps, it's late and I'm very tired.  Anyway, I hope everyone had a blessed Easter and enjoyed the holiday with their loved ones. 

Before I sign off and get ready for bed, I wanted to mention a post I received from one of my old neighbors whose young daughter Gabrielle started to cry when her mom told her about Emma.  The entire family are animal lovers and when they lived across the street they got to know my dogs and I got to know theirs.  Once Emmett has bonded with me, we definitely will pay the family a visit so they can actually meet him.

I'm sort of new to this blogging stuff and am opened to any and all suggestions.  Good night everyone and have a Happy Monday!


Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18th, 2014 - The beginning

2014 did not start off well with my husband and I.  We lost our beloved Ginger on February 19th at age 10.  She had stifle which eventually led to hip dysplasia. 

Stifle is not something the average dog lover is familiar with.  I know I wasn't and this is the definition I came across when I Googled it,

"The stifle joint is a complex joint in the hind limbs of quadruped mammals such as the sheep, horse or dog. It is the equivalent joint to the human knee."

Ginger started out as a foster dog that we fell in love with and adopted, she was a Boxer / Border Terrier mix and she truly was a very sweet and loving dog.  I had been giving her supplements and she also had her hips adjusted a few times.  In the end, she could no longer stand up and we knew it was our time to let her go and we did.

Ginger was a big girl weighing 97 pounds but she was a couch potato long before that and in general was more of a lover than an athlete.  She loved to nap on the front porch in the sun and would lay there for hours.  We didn't want her final moments to be stressed by being carried into the Vet's office
so we parked behind the practice and she passed away very peacefully in the back of our station wagon.  Our Vet is very good and though a very sad experience it was done very gently and for that we will always be grateful.

We knew her time was coming and we tried to be as emotionally prepared for her passing as we could.  I cried the whole way home and for many days afterwards.  Our two remaining dogs mourned her passing and I couldn't get either of them to eat for awhile.

The picture below is probably my favorite of Ginger.

While trying to organize all the pictures I had taken of her over the years, I came across a video that I didn't remember taking.  I must have taken it with my compact camera at one point and not knowing what I was doing it turned out very dark.
As I watched it, I somehow managed to capture Ginger's personality and for the first time in days, I smiled.
The house seemed so much quieter with her gone and some how even larger. 
We were still in the adjusting to life without Ginger phrase when Emma got hurt.  Emma was also 10 and she was a Great Dane / Lab mix that I rescued from a very bad place.  She looked like a miniature Great Dane and had the body of a true Olympian. 
She was the athlete out of the three and over the years had caught and well, lets just say she could of survived on her own in the wild.  For the record I like it to be known that I always knocked loudly on the back door before letting her out to give the wildlife a head start to get out of her yard.
Emma was sweet, gentle, loving and very smart.  She learned everything I wanted to teach her very quickly, heeled perfectly off lead.  I never needed a leash on her and due to a slight disability that I'll explain later, she never, ever, left my side.  She was the family pet, but she was totally devoted to me.
Every morning she wake up bright and early, way too early for my liking, but she had all the enthusiasm of a young child, Christmas morning and every morning was Christmas morning to her.
She be bouncing all over the place trying her best to get me into her holiday mood.  She made me laugh all the time and being homebound we spent a lot of time together.  She was muscular and yet dainty, she was very sweet, gentle and kind.  I could take one look at her and tell you if she wanted  to go out, have a treat, play or just lay next to me.  Her relationship with me was one on one, don't get me wrong, she listened to my husband but she was a mama's girl and I'll be the first to admit, I spoiled her. 
I was overly protective of her, she was so thin when I rescued her and had been horribly neglected and abused by a very over weight, little boy.  The boy was about 8-10 years old and looked like he was a good 60 pounds if not more over weight.  I imagine he was probably the last kid in school to be picked for any team sport, he was loud, cruel and had a couple of friends that were just plain mean. 
Oh alright, I'll admit it, I babied her and in my eyes she could do no wrong but the first 10 weeks of her life she didn't have enough to eat, limited water, slept in a broken washer in a tiny, self made pen with less than 5 feet to move around.  I had to crawl over broken cars, bags of trash and a ton of broken glass to reach her.  The owner's mother couldn't give me her oldest son's puppy fast enough.
My heart absolutely broke when I saw how she had lived during her short and impressionable 10 weeks.  I was probably way beyond over protective of her and for almost 10 years she never, ever left my side. 
Sadly she did pass away from her injury.  Both my husband and I, really thought she would recover.
She also was taken for a few adjustments and even started to wag her tail again.  She never fully recovered from her injury and one morning, she just wouldn't stand or walk anymore.  Up to that point, she also had stopped eating and drinking.
So 8 weeks after Ginger being put down, we had to put Emma down too.
I absolutely fell apart, was completely devastated and cried non stop for days.  I was inconsolable to the point my husband spent many hours at the local bookstore, drinking coffee and reading.
I was beyond normal grieving, I was heading down the sad path of a nervous breakdown.  I didn't want to talk to anyone, no e-mails or communication with the outside world.  I cried almost non stop for 12 days straight.
The night before Emma was put down, she looked fine and even wagged her tail.  I got her to eat some scrambled eggs and was totally unprepared for her rapid decline over night.  When I woke up on April 4th, I had awaken early, got dressed and was going to get her back and neck another adjustment.
Back to the Vet we went and Emma passed away in the back of our Station Wagon the way Ginger had just a short time before.  The days afterwards, everything seemed like a huge blur and I was literally heart sick.  Didn't want to eat, drink  or sleep, I was numb all over and felt like I was in a bad dream and couldn't wake up.
I was traumatized and in total shock when I saw her condition when I woke up.  The picture below of Emma is my favorite.
Our last dog Rosie, who is also 10 was very close to Emma and her whole personality changed with her gone.  She stopped eating and took up permanent residence under the bed.  We actually had taken Rosie with us when we put Emma down so she would know that Emma was not coming home.
That night she was sad and hardly ate and by the following morning she was a whole different and very sad dog.  Neither of us were much comfort to the other and my husband had returned  to work.
The house seemed even quieter and Rosie didn't even bark when a neighbor rang the door bell.
Not only didn't she bark, she stayed under the bed and had no interest in whomever was at the door.
Rosie is an incredible watch dog and very little gets by her and seeing her as sad as I was, did not help.

The picture above was taken of Rosie several days later after I blocked her way of crawling under the bed.

Not knowing what to do with myself I started looking around, I'm not sure if I was doing it more for myself or more for her and I felt worse because there were so many dogs that needed a good home. 

I actually felt guilty about looking at other dogs and prayed about it that night after thanking God for making Emma pain free and well again.

The next morning I remembered that my sister-in-law had actually adopted a dog off of craig's list awhile back and decided to take a look at it.  I looked at it a few days and then started bouncing back and forth between it, and all the local rescues.

I continued to pray and asked God to guide me if I should or shouldn't get another dog, at this point feeling absolutely awful and unfaithful to Emma.  Then I just knew Emma wouldn't want me to be alone and knew how much I missed her, she would want me to save another dog, like I saved her and give it a good home.

So I really started looking at the dogs and puppies when I came across this picture on craig's list.

Two week old Great Dane puppies who had been born the day after we put Emma down.  I have wanted a Great Dane my entire life and contacted the owner by e-mail.  The owner was taking deposits for her litter and I was thrilled to see that she was actually located about a 15 minute drive from where my husband and I live.
On April 16th, my husband and I went to take a look at the puppies and their parents and I believe the pictures below will shed some light on how well that visit went.

For years I had an on going list of puppy names for the Great Dane puppy I someday hoped to have and loved the name "Emmett".  I wanted a strong, male name and knew I would want a male puppy.
So the name "Thor's Thundering Emmett" has been stuck on a piece of paper, held by a magnet on our refrigerator for a long time.

The first time I held Emmett he grabbed my bottom lip and started sucking on  it, I knew then, I had found my puppy and smiled for the first time since Emma's passing.

Emmett's name has nothing to do with Emma.  Last year I had seen a TV show where a character's name was Emmett and I really liked it.

So at this point I like to thank God for guiding me to my Emmett even though I already thanked him in prayer.  I also knew that I would be making a puppy album for him.

On the first day of every month, I will take his picture, weigh him and document everything he's experienced in a journal. It's a wonderful keepsake that will be filled with precious memories. I've been known to tape a couple of baby teeth within the pages. As the years pass, the journal will be priceless and greatly treasured.
I also have decided to create a blog for Emmett as he grows up.
As I finish my first post, tomorrow I will be moving the furniture around in the Den so I can find the perfect spot for Emmett's crate.
My husband is also looking forward to Emmett's arrival.  So here ends my first post and I'm sorry that it's so long but it was important to me to explain, how and why we came across a beautiful Mantle puppy lovingly named Emmett.
Being the proud mother (we weren't blessed with children) I've already had prints made of Emmett to show my neighbors.  I don't know who's luckier, me for having Emmett or Emmett for having me.
God is good and much thanks to my Ginger and Emma who were incredible and deeply loved.